Cotes de Bourg
Cotes de Bourg
If you are looking for value in Bordeaux and are unsure where to start, let us gently point you in the direction of the Cotes de Bourg, an appellation that has been producing high-quality Bordeaux wines for hundreds of years. Located across the broad Gironde estuary, the appellation is higher and hillier than the flatter lands across the water, and the aspect lends a picturesque quality to the area. Soils are a variable mixture of sand, clay and gravel, and the wines are predominantly made from Merlot, though Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc also exist amongst the vines. The wines don't always have the finesse and power of the Medoc wines from the other side of the estuary, but they also don't have the price tag, and the rounded, approachable wines of the Cotes de Bourg are very easy on the wallet and well worth seeking out.